In everything we do, it is important to expect the best yet prepare for the worst. Same goes for driving; while we expect a smooth and safe journey to our destination, it is essential to be well-prepared for unforeseen circumstances as simple as a bird’s dropping or a tyre blowout. With the following items, it should prepare you to face situations that can be easily resolved or last you through the nearest workshop.
1. A Bottle of Water
Preferably 1.5 litres, this bottle of water comes in handy when you need to cool your car down due to overheating. With Singapore’s scorching hot weather, it is not surprising that your car has experienced several cases of overheating. With this bottle of water, you can refill the radiator and head to the nearest workshop. Not to mention its other uses such as rinsing bird’s droppings off your precious paintwork or possibly the dirt or mud that settles on your car before you reach the nearest car wash.
2. Wet Wipes
Compared to storing a bottle of water and a cloth, wet wipes are easier to use and lighter in terms of weight which does not add unnecessary weight to your car. It is essentially important to reduce the weight of your car should you hope to reduce fuel consumption. Apart from removing dust away, wet wipes are extremely useful, especially in this hot and humid weather.
3. Sunglasses
Not just to create a stylish image, having a sunglass in your car makes driving safer and more comfortable during the day. Driving in the direction against the sunrays is common especially in Singapore. These disturbing and uncomfortable glares disrupt visibility as you drive, increasing the safety risks of all road users. Sunglasses help to protect your eyes from the glare and other distractions such as wind and dust in cases where you wind down your windows while driving. With the sunglass protecting your eyes, it provides comfort and better visibility on the road.
4. Spare cash card (With money)
Occasionally, we witness a car being stuck at the car park’s exit gantry and usually it is due to the insufficient amount in their cash card. We all know that the worst part is not about being stuck at the gantry; it is the queue of cars at the back waiting for your exit. Having a spare cash card in your car can save you from such embarrassment and inconvenience. At the very least, not causing a jam and having to reverse while the cars behind honk at you continuously.